Pitbull Awareness

The Pitbull Awareness project originally started as my final for one of my classes at Washington State University. There’s a lot of biasness and misuse of the information in the world today about pit bulls. I’ve owned two pit bulls in my life and they both were gentle giants and fierce protectors. My current dog, Bandit, is part Pitbull and Dalmatian. There have been a few encounters with others that have led to Bandit facing discrimination for his Pitbull-like features. The main goal of this project is to break down and understanding the stigma of a wonderful breed of dogs. With Pit bulls, there isn’t one breed that’s considered a Pitbull, but rather it’s an umbrella term that consists of 3 different types in the breed.

During my life I’ve interacted with more Pitbulls than I can count, none of which led to aggression (minus the slobbery kisses). So why do we hear about Pitbull attacks in the news and not chihuahuas? So many of these gentle giants are euthanized without getting a chance at their forever homes. Not everyone can provide a good life for a pitbull, but everyone can learn and educate themselves about these dog breeds and lend a helping hand. Thank you.